An Efficient And Affordable Way To Restore Your Smile

Dentures are a removable replacement for one or more missing teeth. They restore both function and aesthetics. The appliances are custom-fabricated to each individual and match the appearance of your natural teeth. The fit of your appliances may be adjusted as needed to ensure comfort and proper function. Complete dentures replace the entire upper or lower set of teeth, and partial options replace one or more teeth when some natural teeth remain. 

If you are missing some or all of your teeth, they are the most efficient and affordable way to restore your smile. Dentures are the best way to restore functionality so that you can eat and speak normally. Plus, you can smile with confidence. Modern options are more natural-looking and comfortable than ever before.

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Types of Dentures

Complete Dentures

A complete denture takes up the whole arch, either top or bottom. They are a removable device that can replace missing teeth and are used by someone who has lost all of their teeth.

Partial Dentures

Partials only occupy a part of your mouth and are used when some natural teeth still remain. They fill a gap left by missing teeth and are supported by remaining teeth, so they don’t change position.

Implant Dentures

Both complete and partial dentures can be supported by dental implants for a more stable and secure fit. they are attached to titanium posts which are surgically implanted into the jawbone.

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What Causes Tooth Loss?

The main reason people get dentures is tooth loss caused by the following:

  • Periodontal disease (most common)

  • Tooth extraction

  • Poor oral care

  • Severe tooth decay

  • Facial or jaw injury

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You are at a higher risk for tooth loss if:

  • You are older than 35

  • You are male

  • You smoke or use tobacco products

  • You have rheumatoid arthritis

  • You have diabetes or high blood pressure

  • You neglect professional teeth cleanings and exams

  • You neglect at-home dental care

Do I Still Have To Go To The Dentist?

If you have few or no natural teeth, why would you need to see a dentist? The main reason is that a dentist doesn’t only care for your teeth. She cares for your oral health. There are several good reasons to maintain regular dental appointments. 

Whether you have some or none of your natural teeth, you’re still at risk for gum disease. Any teeth you have are at a heightened risk for cavities because food particles are more likely to get stuck between the dentures and your teeth. Plaque can build up on dentures and requires professional cleaning.

Regular visits to the dentist allow early detection of potential oral health issues such as gum disease or oral cancer. Some evidence shows that people with dentures are more susceptible to oral cancer, which is all the more reason to see a dentist regularly.

The hard and soft tissues in our mouths continue to change as we age. These shifts can change your bite and consequently throw off the fit of your dentures. It’s not uncommon for dentures to require fitting adjustments.

Seeing your dentist regularly ensures that your dentures are regularly looked over for signs of damage or other issues, so they last as long as possible.

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