Get The Straight Smile You Want And Need

Clear aligner treatment is becoming the most popular method of treatment for teeth straightening. Teeth straightening can be done with various types of treatment, but clear aligners offer ease and simplicity. Are you considering clear aligners to straighten your teeth? 

The benefits of straight teeth reach beyond just cosmetic purposes. Biting and chewing put pressure on your teeth and over time bite problems from misaligned teeth can lead to chipping, fractures along the edge of the teeth, and notching at the gum line. Straightening your teeth will also alleviate stress on your jaw which may help improve persistent headaches, dizziness, jaw pain, and earaches. Using clear aligner treatment to straighten your teeth can help protect your overall health by making it easier to practice effective oral hygiene and remove bacteria before it can travel to other parts of your body. Dedicated Dental offers clear aligner treatment to help you get the straight smile you want and need. 

Dedicated Dental aligner orthodontics

How Aligners Work To Straighten Your Smile

Like traditional braces, aligners are designed to move teeth a little at a time. The dentist will examine the patient and take x-rays, photographs, and impressions or digital scans of the teeth as necessary. If the dentist determines you are a candidate for aligner orthodontics, she will design your smile and plan the treatment process by determining which tooth moves where and in what order. The aligners can guide your teeth into healthy positions. The goal is more than straight teeth. It is also a healthy, functional bite.

With the end goal in mind, a series of plastic aligners are created using the patient’s initial impressions or digital scans as the starting point. The aligners are custom-made plastic trays that fit snuggly on your teeth. Wearing them puts gentle pressure on the teeth, repositioning them. It is recommended aligners be worn 22 hours a day or as prescribed by the orthodontist. Each set of aligners is worn for a week or two before going to the next set. Over time, teeth reach their ideal places.

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Am I A Candidate for Aligner Orthodontics?

Aligners may not be the right appliance to correct every patient’s orthodontic problem. IF the dentist determines that aligners are not right for you, she can refer you to an orthodontist for treatment with traditional or ceramic braces.

Benefits of Clear Aligners:

  • No need to see an orthodontist

  • Practically Invisible

  • Removable to eat and drink

  • Easier oral hygiene since you can remove them to brush and floss

  • Fewer, if any, broken or poking parts

  • No special mouthguards are needed for sports

What About Mail-Order Orthodontics?

It’s always best to go through a dentist or orthodontist. While it may be tempting to take your orthodontic treatment into your own hands with mail-order, direct-to-consumer aligners, there are several reasons why this is not a good idea.

If your alignment issues have not been diagnosed and assessed in person by a doctor, you may not be happy with your results.

A dentist needs to look in your mouth and at your x-rays to assess your underlying bone structure and determine if your mouth can support the safe movement of your teeth.

This natural rinsing agent clears away food and neutralizes bacterial acids to protect your tooth enamel. If you have undiagnosed enamel demineralization, gum health issues, or small not-yet-visible cavities–wearing aligners can lead to rapidly advancing decay.

If your teeth are moving the wrong way or you are developing new gaps between your teeth, there is no one to notice. A dentist will regularly check your progress and can make corrections to your treatment at any time.

You may need adjustments done to your teeth that can only be done in the office by a professional.

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